Find your Holzkern

Finde deine Holzkern - Blog

Black, blue, or preferably colorful? Here you are guaranteed to find that uniquely special timepiece that perfectly suits your ideas and tastes.

Let yourself be inspired by our wide range of watches - in this category you’re sure to find your personal Holzkern favorite!

Wishing you lots of fun browsing!


  1. Holzkern's automatic wood & stone watches
  2. Our Materials
  3. Wide bandlets
  4. Wood meets the trent color blue
  5. The Allrounder Watch - perfect for every occasion
  6. Our bestseller Côte d´Azur (28 mm)
  7. Red watches made from precious amaranth
  8. Solar watches
  9. Slim Bandlets
  10. Elegant women’s watches
  11. 8 great reasons why you should own a chronograph made from wood and stone
  12. 8 great reasons why you should own a chronograph made from wood and stone