Hello dear friends of nature! In this article, I would like to introduce you to my favourite photos at the moment.
I always feel like all personal and emotional impressions are saved when I take a photo. As soon as I stumble over a photo again, all the feelings I had while taking it come up immediately.
These impressions were especially strong with the northern lights. I cannot describe the northern lights, the experience cannot be put into words.
Scientifically, iron particles from the sun collide with the atmosphere at high speed. Due to the flat angle in the far north, the particles burn up, which causes the lights.
Optically, the sky starts to change its colours in complete silence before it starts to move. It creates shapes and lets them collapse. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
Emotionally, however, I have not yet understood exactly what is happening there. As a human being, you suddenly feel really small and powerless against nature, which is capable of creating something like the northern lights. But with time, you also start to realize how powerful nature is around us.
The northern lights have shown me what nature is capable of in a very impressive way. The nature around us is a gift that needs to be protected so that future generations can enjoy time in nature as well :)
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